I have been busy producing Maker Faire Bay Area on Mare Island this past weekend and this upcoming weekend. It’s so nice to welcome makers back and see lots of kids and families. Everyone loves the waterfront venue and they have described the event as “intimate.” I met some young adults who came as kids to Maker Faire and are now back with their own projects or their own kids. Fridays are student days and we had a couple thousand students last Friday and expect the same this Friday.
I’ve always talked about the vibe of Maker Faire — it’s a feeling that you get being around a collection of creative people sharing their work and that feeling was there all weekend. You might be able to get a bit of it from the video above but generally you don’t get that feeling being by yourself. You need a community. The vibe says you, too, are welcome; be creative, explore and experiment and others will appreciate your enthusiasm for what you do. It’s hard to explain but that positive vibe is the height of maker culture.
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